407, 4th Floor, Pavani Prestige (R.S Brothers)Building, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, India Opposite Image Hospital & Beside KLM Fashion Mall.
Registration Process
Internship Tracks
Day - 1: Introduction to Python
What is Python?
Why do people use Python?
Who uses Python today?
What can I do with Python?
How is Python developed and supported?
Why do people use Python?
Who uses Python today?
What can I do with Python?
How is Python developed and supported?
Day - 2: Features of Python
Running a Python program
The Python Interpreter
The Python IDEs
Python implementation alternatives
Types and Operators
The Python Interpreter
The Python IDEs
Python implementation alternatives
Types and Operators
Day - 3: Introducing Core Data Types
Numbers and Strings
Lists and Sets
Dictionary and Tuples
Other core types and operators
Lists and Sets
Dictionary and Tuples
Other core types and operators
Day - 4: Assignments and Expressions
The if statement
The if/else ternary expression
The while and for loops
Iterations and comprehensions
The if/else ternary expression
The while and for loops
Iterations and comprehensions
Day - 5: Why use Functions?
Function definition and calls
Python scopes
The LEGB rule
The global statement
Scopes and nested functions
Closures: The factory functions
The nonlocal statement
Python scopes
The LEGB rule
The global statement
Scopes and nested functions
Closures: The factory functions
The nonlocal statement
Day - 6: Passing arguments to Function
Keyword and Default arguments
Keyword only arguments
Writing your own print function
Advanced Function Topics
Keyword only arguments
Writing your own print function
Advanced Function Topics
Day - 7: Recursive Functions
Anonymous Functions: lambdas
Functional programming tools: map, filter and reduce
Comprehensions and Generators
Functional programming tools: map, filter and reduce
Comprehensions and Generators
Day - 8: List Comprehensions
Generator functions
Generator expressions
Scopes and comprehensions variables
Set and Dictionary comprehensions
Bench marking
Generator expressions
Scopes and comprehensions variables
Set and Dictionary comprehensions
Bench marking
Day - 9: Timing iteration alternatives
Writing your own timing module
Timing module alternatives
Timing module alternatives
Day - 10: Why modules?
Python program architecture
How import works
Module search path
Creating modules
Using modules
Module namespaces
Reloading modules
How import works
Module search path
Creating modules
Using modules
Module namespaces
Reloading modules
Day - 11: Introduction to package
Why use package imports?
Package relative imports
Pitfalls of package relative imports
Namespaces packages
Package relative imports
Pitfalls of package relative imports
Namespaces packages
Day - 12: Advanced Module concepts
Data hiding in modules
Understanding _main_ and _name_
Changing the module search path
Using as with import and from
Importing modules by Name String
Exposing the Modules further
Classes and OOPS
Understanding _main_ and _name_
Changing the module search path
Using as with import and from
Importing modules by Name String
Exposing the Modules further
Classes and OOPS
Day - 13: Data Visualization in Python
Creating classes
Creating Instance Objects
Accessing attributes
Built-in class attributes
Method calls
Abstract superclasses
Nested classes
Operator Overloading
Creating Instance Objects
Accessing attributes
Built-in class attributes
Method calls
Abstract superclasses
Nested classes
Operator Overloading
Day - 14: Introduction
Indexing and slicing: _getitem_ and _setitem_
Iterableobjects: _iter_ and _next_
Membership:_contains,iter_ and _getitem_
Attribute access: _getattr_ and _setattr_
String representation: _str_ and _repr_
Right side and in-place uses: _radd_ and _iadd_
Overloading comparasion operators
Boolean tests: _bool_ and _len_
Call expression: _call_
Object destruction: _del_
Advanced class topics
Iterableobjects: _iter_ and _next_
Membership:_contains,iter_ and _getitem_
Attribute access: _getattr_ and _setattr_
String representation: _str_ and _repr_
Right side and in-place uses: _radd_ and _iadd_
Overloading comparasion operators
Boolean tests: _bool_ and _len_
Call expression: _call_
Object destruction: _del_
Advanced class topics
Day - 15: Container ship
The ‘New Style’ class model
Static and class methods
Instance count with static methods
The ‘Super’ function
Exception Handling
Static and class methods
Instance count with static methods
The ‘Super’ function
Exception Handling
Day - 16: What is an Exception?
Handling an Exception
The try,except and else blocks
Except clause with no exception
Except clause with multiple exceptions
The try-finally clause
Argument of an exception
Raising an exception
User defined exceptions
Built-in exception classes
Unicode and Byte Strings
The try,except and else blocks
Except clause with no exception
Except clause with multiple exceptions
The try-finally clause
Argument of an exception
Raising an exception
User defined exceptions
Built-in exception classes
Unicode and Byte Strings
Day - 17: Strings and Unicode Strings
Byte and Byte array objects
Text and Binary files
Unicode files
Pattern matching with re
Binary data module “struct”
Serializing objects with Pickle
XML parsing
Text and Binary files
Unicode files
Pattern matching with re
Binary data module “struct”
Serializing objects with Pickle
XML parsing
Day - 18: What is a decorator?
Function decorators
Class decorators
Class decorators
Day - 19: What is a Metaclass?
The Metaclass model
Declaring Metaclasses
Coding Metaclasses
MetaclassVs Superclass
Metaclass methods Vs Class methods
Declaring Metaclasses
Coding Metaclasses
MetaclassVs Superclass
Metaclass methods Vs Class methods