M.Tech Major Cyber Security Projects Bangalore

CYBER Security

1 Enhancing Power System Cyber-Security With Systematic Two-Stage Detection StrategyCYBER SECURITY
2 Developing and Analysis of Cyber Security Models for Security Operation Center in MyanmarCYBER SECURITY
3 Cyber Risk Assessment Model for Critical Information InfrastructureCYBER SECURITY
4 Security Experiences in IoT based applications for Building and Factory AutomationCYBER SECURITY
5 CASeS: Concurrent Contingency Analysis-Based Security Metric Deployment for the Smart GridCYBER SECURITY
6 Learning Behavior of Distribution System Discrete Control Devices for Cyber-Physical SecurityCYBER SECURITY
7 Security of Smart Grid Management of Smart Meter ProtectionCYBER SECURITY
8 On the Security of a Key Agreement and Key Protection SchemeCYBER SECURITY
9 Wireless Transceiver Aided Run-Time Secret Key Extraction for IoT Device SecurityCYBER SECURITY
10 Smart I/O Modules for Mitigating Cyber-Physical Attacks on Industrial Control SystemsCYBER SECURITY
11 Cyber Risk in Internet of Things WorldCYBER SECURITY
12 A Hybrid Cyber Attack Model for Cyber-Physical Power SystemsCYBER SECURITY
13 Blockchain for Cyber Security in Smart Grid: A Comprehensive SurveyCYBER SECURITY
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