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407, 4th Floor, Pavani Prestige (R.S Brothers)Building, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, India Opposite Image Hospital & Beside KLM Fashion Mall.

About Deep Learning

Internship Tracks

Deep Learning

Day - 1: Introduction to Machine Learning & Deep Learning
Introduction to Deep Learning.
Diffenrence between Machine and Deep Learning
How Deep Learning Useful in Daily Life
Deep Learning Goals and Deliverables.
Why Deep Learning
Deep Learning Tools.
Programming Essentials
Day - 2: Introduction to Python
1.Introduction to Python
2.Anaconda Installation and Introduction to Jupyter Notebook
Day - 3: Python Basics
1. Data Structures in Python (Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, sets)
Day - 4: Python Baiscs
1.Loops, conditional arguments, Comprehensions, Inbuilt functions , string manipulation etc.
Day - 5: Python Baiscs
Day - 6: Python for Data Science - Numpy
1. Introduction to Numpy.
2. Operations in Numpy
Day - 7: Python for Data Science - Pandas
1. Introduction to Pandas.
2. Operations in Pandas – Pandas Basics, Indexing and selecting Data,Merge and Append, Grouping and Summarizing, Lambda functions and Pivot tables
3. Introduction to Reading.
Day - 8: Python for Data Science - Matplotlub
1. Introduction to Matplotlib.
2. Types of plots with Examples
Day - 9: Introduction to SQL
1. Introduction to Database design, OLAP vs OLTP, Star Schema etc.
2. Basics of SQL, Data Retrieval, sorting, compound functions and relational operators, pattern matching with wild cards.
3. Basics on Table creation, updating, modifying etc.
4. Overall Structure of data retrieval queries, Merging tables, User Defined Functions (UDF), Frames.
Statistics & Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Day - 10: Introduction to Data Analytics
1. Business and Data Understanding
2. CRISP-DM Framework – Data Preparation, Modelling, Evaluation and Deployment
Day - 11: Data Visualization in Python
1.Introduction to visualization and Importance of Visualization
2. Introduction to various charts
3. Data visualization toolkit in Python (Libraries or modules available in Python)
4. Plotting Data in Python using matplotlib and seaborn – Univariate Distributions, Bi-variate Distributions
5. Plotting Time series data
Day - 12: Exploratory Data Analysis
1. Introduction to Data Sourcing and various sources available for data collection
2. Data Cleaning – Fixing rows and columns, Missing value Treatment, standardizing values, handling invalid values, Filtering data
3. Data types – Numerical, Categorical (ordered and unordered)
4.Derived Metrics and Feature Engineering
5. Identify Outliers and Handling
Day - 13: Inferential Statistics
1. Introduction to inferential statistics – basics of probability, Random Variables, Expected value, Probability Distributions
2. Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions
3. Central Limit Theorem – Introduction and Industrial applications
Machine Learning - I
Day - 14: Introduction to Machine Learning
1. Introduction to Machine Learning – Supervised and Unsupervised learning Methods
2. Simple Linear Regression
3. Multiple Linear Regression
Day - 15: Logistic Regression
1. Introduction to Classification
2. Binary classification using univariate logistic regression
3. Maximum Likelihood function, Sigmoid Curve and Best Fit
4. Intuition of odds and log-odds
5. Feature selection using RFE
6. Model evaluation – Confusion Matrix and Accuracy
7. Why Accuracy is not Enough and introduction to sensitivity, specificity, precision, recall, area under curve
8. Logistic Regression Case Study
Day - 16: unsupervised Learning:Clustering
Means Clustering:
1. Understanding clustering with practical examples
2. KMeans Clustering – understanding the algorithm
3. Practical consideration for KMeans Clustering – Elbow curve, silhouette metric and hopkings test for clustering tendency of data, impact of outliers
Hierarchical Clustering:
1. Hierarchical clustering Algorithm
2. Interpreting the dendogram and Types of Linkages
3. Comparison of Kmeans clustering and Hierarchical clustering – advantages and disadvantages
Machine Learning - II
Day - 17: Support Vector Machine Algorithm
1. Introduction to SVM and How does it works.
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of SVM
3. Kernal Functions in used in SVM
4. Applications of SVM
5. Implementation of SVM using Python
Day - 18: K Nearest Neighbors and Naive Bayes Algorithm
1. Introduction to KNN and How does it works.
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of KNN
3. Applications of KNN
4. Implementation of KNN using Python
Naive Bayes:
1. Intoduction to Naive Bayes
2. Advantage and Disadvantage of Naive Bayes
3. Applications of Naive Bayes
4. Implementation of Naive Bayes using Python
Day - 19: Tree Models
Decision Trees:
1. Introduction to decision trees and Interpretation
2. Homogeneity measures for splitting a node 1. Gini Index 2. Entropy 3. R2
3. Understanding Hyper parameters – Truncation and Pruning
4. Advantages and Disadvantages
Random Forest:
1. Introduction to ensembling, bagging and intuition
2. Random Forest – Introduction and Hyperparamters
3. Building a model using Random Forest
4. Hyper-parameters impact on model and tuning them
5. Importance of predictors using Random Forrest
Day - 20: Deep Learning
Introduction to Deep Learning
Day - 21: Introuction
1. Evolution of Deep Learning from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
2. Understanding Deep Learning with the help of a case study.
3. Explore the meaning, process, and types of neural networks with a comparison to human neurons
4. Identify the platforms and programming stacks used in Deep Learning
Day - 22: Perceptron
1. Artificial neurons with a comparison to biological neurons.
2. Implement logic gates with Perceptron.
3. Sigmoid units and Sigmoid activation function in Neural Network
4. ReLU and Softmax Activation Functions.
5. Hyperbolic Tangent Activation Function
Day - 23: Artificial Neural Network
1. Understand how ANN is trained using Perceptron learning rule.
2. Implementation of Adaline rule in training ANN.
3. Minimizing cost functions using Gradient Descent rule.
4. Analyze how learning rate is tuned to converge an ANN.
5. Explore the layers of an Artificial Neural Network(ANN).
Day - 24: Multilayer ANN
1. Regularize and minimize the cost function in a neural network
2. Backpropagation to adjust weights in a neural network.
3. Inspect convergence in a multilayer ANN
4. Implement forward propagation in multilayer perceptron (MLP)
Day - 25: Introduction to TensorFlow
1. Introducntion to TensorFlow
2. Create a computational and default graph in TensorFlow
3. Implement Linear Regression and Gradient Descent in TensorFlow.
4. Application of Layers and Keras in TensorFlow
5. Uses of TensorBoard
Day - 26: Training Neural Networks
1. Initialization Backpropagation
2. Optimization & hyperparameters.
3. Solutions to speed up neural networks
4. Regularization techniques to reduce overfitting
Day - 27: Convolutional Neural Networks
1. Introduction to CNN and Their Applications
2. Implementation of CNNs within Keras
Day - 28: Convolutional Neural Networks
1. Process of convolution and how it works for image Classification.
2. Zero padding works with variations in kernel weights
3.Elaborate the pooling concepts in CNNs
Day - 29: Applications of CNN
1. Object detection using CNN
2. Dense Pridiction
Day - 30: Recurrent Neural Networks
1. Introdunction Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN).
2. Understand the working of recurrent neurons and their layers.
3. Interpret how memory cells of recurrent neurons interact
4. Implement RNN in Keras
5. Demonstrate variable length input and output sequences
Day - 31: Recurrent Neural Networks
1. Introduction to LSTM
2. Implmentation of LSTM RNN using Keras ,
3. Introducntion to GRU and Implementation uisng Keras
4. Introdunction Encoder, Decoder architectures
Day - 32: Memory Models/Networks
1. Introdunction to memory models.
2. Introdunction to Dynamic memory networks
3. Introduction to Image Genrative Models
4. GANs, CycleGAN Algotithms
Day - 33: Computer Vision
1. Image segmentation, object detection, automatic image captioning, Image generation with Generative adversarial network
2. Video to text with LSTM models. Attention models for computer vision tasks.
Day - 34: Natural Language Processing
1. Introduction to NLP
2. Vector Model Space models of Semantics
3. Word Vector Representation
4. Skip Gram Model
5. Bag of Words Model
Day - 35: Natural Language Processing
1. Glove, Evaluation
2. Applications in word similarity and analogy Recognition
3. Named Entity Recognition.
4. Opinion Mining using RNN
5. Parsing and Setiment Analysis using RNN
6. Sentence Classification using CNN
Day - 36: Project Development
Day - 37: Project Development
Day - 38: Project Development
Day - 39: Project Development
Day - 40: Project Development
Day - 41: Project Development
Day - 42: Project Development
Day - 43: Project Development
Day - 44: Project Development
Day - 45: Project Development

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