B.Tech Major Cloud Computing Projects Anantapur

CLOUD Computing

1ECOGreen Electricity Cost Optimization for Green Datacenters in Emerging Power MarketsSERVICE COMPUTING
2Efficient Encrypted Data Search with Expressive Queries and Flexible UpdateSERVICE COMPUTING
3Energy-aware cloud workflow applications scheduling with geo-distributed dataSERVICE COMPUTING
4KeySea Keyword-based Search with Receiver Anonymity in Attribute-based Searchable EncryptionSERVICE COMPUTING
5Lightweight Privacy-preserving Raw Data Publishing SchemeSERVICE COMPUTING
6Location-Aware Service Recommendations With Privacy-Preservation in the Internet of ThingsSERVICE COMPUTING
7Lucid A Practical, Lightweight Deep Learning Solution for DDoS Attack DetectionSERVICE COMPUTING
8Minimizing Financial Cost of DDoS Attack Defense in Clouds with Fine-Grained Resource ManagementSERVICE COMPUTING
9Personalized Recommendation System based on Collaborative Filtering for IoT ScenariosSERVICE COMPUTING
10Privacy Preserving QoS Forecasting in Mobile Edge EnvironmentsSERVICE COMPUTING
11Provably Efficient Resource Allocation for Edge Service Entities Using HermesSERVICE COMPUTING
12Reverse Nearest Neighbor Search in Semantic Trajectories for Location based ServicesSERVICE COMPUTING
13Revocable Attribute-based Data Storage in Mobile CloudsSERVICE COMPUTING
14Semantics of Data Mining Services in Cloud ComputingSERVICE COMPUTING
15Shed+ Optimal Dynamic Speculation to Meet Application Deadlines in CloudSERVICE COMPUTING
16Scalable and efficient authentication scheme for secure smart grid communicationSERVICE COMPUTING
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